NoMAD 1.0.3 is out!

Lots of customization and some bug fixes.

New Features

— Most every menu item is customizable as to the label and able to be hidden from the user. Check out the preference keys for how to do that.

— Automatic retrieval of x509 certificates if a user doesn’t already have one.

— Localized into French, German and Danish with other languages to come shortly. Many thanks to everyone that helped with this.

— NoMAD now responds to custom urls, so nomad://update will cause NoMAD to update itself. nomad://signin will display the sign in window. More info here.

— Trigger a script on successful password changes.

— The Change Password window now allows you to specify a password complexity policy so the users can be reminded of why their password may not work.

— Option-clicking the menu will now show the current version and build of NoMAD in the menu.

— LDAP over SSL support.

You will find a full list of all the preference keys, including all of the new ones for 1.0.3 here.

Bugs Fixed

— Better handling of bound machines. Previously NoMAD would overwrite your prefs each time it launched.

— If you’re on a .local AD domain we now handle DNS lookups better that were causing the NoMAD menu to be unresponsive.

A full list of tickets address in NoMAD can be found here.

Get 1.0.3 at our downloads page.