NoMAD 1.1.4 Released!

NoMAD 1.1.4


Overall, a mix of small tweaks, some bug fixes in particular to automatic cert generation and keychain item handling. If you’re using NoMAD to pull certs, this would be a good update to do, otherwise most of the other changes are more minor.


Most of the changes are non-UI based. The biggest impact to the users may be the icon change when clicking on the icon as we use the dark icon to invert when clicked on. If you’re using custom icons, make sure you’ve set a the dark ones as well to allow for this inversion.

We hope to address our longest running issue, the lack of a Kerberos domain being set, when attempting to change a password for the first time. With 1.1.4 we will now write out a preference file to ~/Library/ with your AD domain as soon as NoMAD is launched for the first time.

An additional long-running issue is also addressed in that using the TitleSignIn key will work more consistently.

As mentioned above, if you’re using NoMAD to automatically pull certs, this would be a good update to install as a number of issues have been fixed.

Change Log

– fix for Sign In window not fully displaying
– About menu now in menu
– icon now alternates when clicking on the NoMAD icon in the menu bar
– icon alternates correctly when in dark mode
– Kerberos preferences written out on first launch to further prevent the “Domain not found” error when changing passwords
– Certificate expiration computed better, and won’t crash on an already expired cert
– Automatically getting certs won’t cause a massive amount of certs to be generated
– Certificate cleaning will only happen if asked
– User password in the keychain will be looked for in many ways to ensure that the user name case isn’t an issue
– better defaults printing in the logs with -prefs
– fix for Sign In Window title not showing correctly when forced
– better handling of when all DCs in a site go down
– action menu fixes to correct actionTrue and to allow for cutom titles and red/yellow/green icons
– ability to get custom list of attributes from AD
– better handling of shares in the Shares Menu when switching users
nomad://getuser will put entire AD user record into the logs
– AppleScript Support
– Option to always make the current local user the primary Kerberos ticket
– Minor update to German localization
– Option to auto-mount shares via the Finder
– Write out current domain controller to NoMAD preferences