Welcome Window

Starting with NoMAD v. 1.1, there is a now a default welcome window shown to first-time users of NoMAD. The window is primarily HTML, and thus can be easily configured to better match your environment.

Configuring the Window

The default HTML files can be found inside the NoMAD.app bundle. You’ll find a WelcomeSplash.html file in the Resources folder. Changing this file will break the application signing and render NoMAD unusable. However, you can specify a local path to this file with the MenuWelcome preference key. This preference is a String that points to the folder enclosing an index.html page that you’d like to use.

Additionally, you can prevent the window from showing by setting the DontShowWelcome key. This is a boolean value.

This window will not be shown on macOS 10.10 due to WebKit requirements.