Using “Get Help”

By default, the “Get Help” menu will go to the Trusource Labs Bomgar instance; however, that doesn’t have to be the case. The “Get Help” menu is configurable via defaults commands. There are two keys that you need to change:

  • GetHelpType determines the type of action. Currently, URL, App, and Bomgar are supported. URL will open the specified URL in the user’s default browser, and App will launch whatever path you have specified. Both of these options are essentially issuing an open command followed by either the URL or path. Bomgar is a bit more complicated; it will curl down a Bomgar client application given the settings you specify, then open that app and initiate the Bomgar session.
  • GetHelpOptions determines the payload for GetHelpType. For URL, simply put in an http:// or https:// url. For App, put in the full path for an app or other executable you want to launch. For Bomgar, put in the URL of your Bomgar appliance. <<fullname>>, <<serial>>, <<shortname>> and <<domain>> are supported substitutions in both the URL and Bomgar types.

Bomgar URL Notes

The process for getting the Bomgar client automatically launched involves three steps:

  1. Curling down the client from your Bomgar Box or the cloud URL that is supplying any custom variables. NoMAD will save this in /tmp/
  2. Unzipping that client.
  3. Launching the client.

It gets more complicated for the URL, as you have to also specify a user agent so that Bomgar can know which client to get you. Here’s an example to work from:

`defaults write com.trusourcelabs.NoMAD GetHelpOptions '" -A \"Mozilla/5.0\\ (Macintosh;\\ Intel\\ Mac\\ OS\\ X\\ 10_11_4)\\ AppleWebKit/601.5.17\\ (KHTML,\\ like\\ Gecko)\\ Version/9.1\\ Safari/601.5.17\" -d issue_menu=1 -d session.custom.external_key=NoMAD -d session.custom.full_name=<<fullname>> -d session.custom.serial_number=<<serial>> -d<<domain>>"'

You need to ensure that you’ve created any custom variables that you want to use in Bomgar. In the example above, the custom variables that have been added are session.custom.full_name and session.custom.serial_number.  session.custom.external_key should be set up by default, and allows you to sort which users came in through NoMAD in your reports. To create the custom keys go to Management –> API Configuration in the Bomgar admin ports.